Thursday, April 05, 2007

Choose your they

By Creature

They make hay about the spending bills. They make lots of noise about the speaker of the house. They decry your lack of patriotism. They scold you for aiding and abetting. But what they never do is focus on the war. The actual war.

The war where troops are picked off by small arms fire because, thanks to the surge, they are now on foot patrol. The war where helicopters fall from the sky. The war where a "surge" is actually an escalation that cannot sustain itself over time. The war that is already lost, but yet we're still fighting, The war where new terrorist recruits are being trained daily. The war that is breaking the military. The war that is breaking our families. The war that is breaking the bank. The war that has been, and always will be, a war fought for oil.

No, they don't talk about any of this. They prefer to keep yelling. They prefer to keep lying. They prefer to keep laughing. They prefer to keep ignoring the realities of this war.

(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)

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