Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another new low for anti-gay bigotry among the neocons

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Check out Isaac Chotiner's takedown of one of the worst anti-same-sex-marriage arguments ever, a piece of idiotic drivel by one Sam Schulman, a thrice-married hypocrite, bigot, and moron.

(I can't reduce Schulman's argument to a nutshell. Suffice it to say that it involves incest, licit/illicit sexuality, and "the kinship system," or relations with in-laws. Yeah, it's really, really stupid.)

And where did said drivel appear? Why, in the pages of The Weekly Standard, of course, that neocon rag, a vehicle for all sorts of Kristol-approved nonsense.

(Once upon a time, the neocons used to be a fairly smart bunch, even if you, like me, disagreed with them. But what has happened to them of late? -- and by that I mean over the past couple of decades. Well, they became partisan hacks, for one, and they gave up serious intellectual curiosity/research for ideological certainty, for two, and they morphed into yet another outpost for extremist conservative Republican groupthink, for three, and, for four, they expanded their burgeoning empire well beyond Bill's dad Irving and his former socialist buddies at the CCNY to include the Sam Schulmans of the world. What an embarrassment. Still, as Isaac notes, "[t]here is something nice -- refreshing even -- about a single article that incorporates everything you despise in a certain worldview." So thanks for that, Bill. Even with outright drivel, you've performed a valuable service.)

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