Saturday, June 06, 2009

Craziest Conservative of the Day: Sean Hannity

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Along the lines of James Inhofe, Sean Hannity gets the award today for arguing that Obama, with his Cairo speech, "decided to give 9/11 sympathizers a voice on the world stage."

Umm... what?

Steve Benen: "The point, which even someone of Hannity's limited skills could understand, was to address the persistent conspiracy theories in some parts of the region (9/11 was not a real terrorist attack, was not launched by al Qaeda, etc.). Obama was not giving "9/11 sympathizers a voice on the world stage," he was setting the record straight, characterizing terrorists as bloodthirsty monsters, and encouraging Muslims to reject outrageous lies."

Actually, I think that is beyond Hannity's (ridiculously) limited skills.

Hannity's "a sad joke," yes, and seemingly "incapable of shame," but he's also extraordinarily crazy.

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