Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Being Keith Olbermann

By Richard K. Barry

I've always liked Keith Olbermann, at least the guy I saw every night on MSNBC when he worked there. Great politics, smart presentation.

In truth, though, I always felt like he would not necessarily be the kind of guy with whom I'd want to share a house or a workplace. Too high maintenance or, put a different way, too much of a pain in the ass.

You may have heard that Olbermann was sacked from his latest gig at Current TV for his "unreasonable and demanding behavior."

To me it doesn't sound like he can turn it off. That's too bad. And it's really too bad when a person can't distinguish between friends and enemies. At the end of the day you may still be glad a person like that is on your side, but just barely.

(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)


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