Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hopelessly Misinformed Latinos for Romney (HMLR) -- Part 2

By Miguel

(I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message. Estoy Mitt Romney y apruebo este mensaje.)

Hopelessly Misinformed Latinos For Romney takemycountrybackHola! My name is Miguel. You may remember me from my last message to Latino voters. Since then, things have changed for the better and I wanted to return once more and encourage all Latinos to vote for Señor Romney for President in 2012.

Recently, people have been saying that Mr. Romney has changed his position on immigration and that he is playing to the Latino base by walking back his original comments about sending us all back home. Mi amigos, this is nothing more than the liberal media trying to confuse you. Mr. Romney is a man of his word, and no matter what you may hear, he has not changed his stance. He still wants to help us.

Not too long ago, Mr. Romney said this:

Well, the answer is self-deportation... People decide that they could do better by going home because they can't find work here because they don't have legal documentation to allow them to work here.

Now, some people read this and think Mitt Romney does not support Latinos. This is wrong! In reality, Mr. Romney has big plans for latinos to do better... in our native homeland! If you read between the lines you see a man who wants to improve conditions outside the United States and bring prosperity to places that for centuries were nothing more than America's puta, a place worth less than the hourly wage of our hardworking children.

I see Mitt Romney for who he really is: an honest man who truly cares about Latinos and wants what is best for us. This is a man who has sent many of America's jobs to countries that truly needed the work. With a record like that, how can we not support him? I do not know how many of those jobs came to Tijuana, but from the looks of things down there we need a man like Mr. Romney to help put Mexicans back to work.

President Obama recently promised to allow undocumented immigrants to stay in the United States without fear of deportation. But allowing us to stay indefinitely only prolongs the hardships that our families face back home. If more jobs stay in America, then our families back home continue to suffer. Mr. Romney has different plans. In this era of global economics, we need a leader who thinks outside of Washington and outside of the United States. We need Mitt Romney.

On election day, vote for a leader who will put us back to work globally and do for Mexico what he has already done for China. If you love your families and are proud of where you came from, then do what is right.

Vote Mitt! You won't be sorry.

Mitt Romney 2012 – A Better America.

Paid for by Hopelessly Misinformed Latinos for Romney.


By tmcbpatriot (not Miguel, but close)

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