Thursday, July 26, 2012

Conservative British PM supports same-sex marriage. Over to you, Mitt.

By Richard K. Barry

Timing can be a sweet thing in politics. Despite the fact that Mitt Romney and British Prime Minister David Cameron are members of their respective country's conservative parties, they are not on the same side of the same-sex marriage issue. Cameron supports it and Romney, well, you know.

As an interesting scheduling quirk, Cameron met with members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community on Wednesday where he renewed his commitment to legal same-sex civil marriage.

On Thursday morning Cameron met with Romney to talk about stuff and so Mitt could look presidential, or come as close to it as possible given the raw material available.

My guess is same-sex marriage didn't come up, but times they are a-changin' and while I don't expect Mitt Romney or the Republican Party to change with them, this issue is most certainly not going away.

(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)

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